Woven women, here at Calvary Chapel, desire a focus on Jesus Christ, growing in the knowledge of Him and His will. Acknowledging that He began the weaving process at creation and continues as we are woven into the lives of one another through Jesus. Encouraging each other to live our lives serving God and bringing glory to His name.

Coffee Talks take place at 10am on the first Saturday of each month from Fall through Spring at the church.
Additionally, we organize retreats, prayer meetings, and Bible studies throughout the year.
Additionally, we organize retreats, prayer meetings, and Bible studies throughout the year.

Kim Hill
Wife of Pastor Brian for 18 years. Mother to Breanna (15) and Caleb (13).
I began attending a ladies bible study 15 years ago and fell in love with God’s word. Over the years the Lord has shown me repeatedly that His word truly is given by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). God has given me a passion to share this truth with other women.