- Answers For Today - Chuck Smith
- Calvary Chapel Distinctives - Chuck Smith
- The Calvary Road - Roy Hession
- Calvinism, Arminianism And The Word of God - Chuck Smith
- Charisma vs. Charismania - Chuck Smith
- Christian Family Relationships - Chuck Smith
- The Claims of Christ - Chuck Smith
- Comfort for Those Who Mourn - Chuck Smith
- Effective Prayer Life - Chuck Smith
- The Five Points of Calvinism Weighed and Found Wanting - George Bryson
- Foxes Book of Martyrs - John Foxe
- The Gospel According to Grace - Chuck Smith
- Harvest - Chuck Smith and Tal Brooke
- Holiness - J.C. Ryle
- The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
- Living Water - Chuck Smith
- On Being a Servant of God - Warren Wiersbe
- The Philosophy of Ministry of Calvary Chapel - Chuck Smith
- Things I Learned From My Pastor - Larry Taylor
- The Tribulation And The Church - Chuck Smith
- Welcome to the Family of God
- What the World is Coming To - Chuck Smith
- Why Grace Changes Everything - Chuck Smith